Saturday, 29 May 2010



Upload your final PowerPoint after completing the questionnaire. Don´t forget to post a comment about what you enjoyed the most and what you enjoyed less!

Sunday, 23 May 2010

What's his/her job?

Choose a, b or c the correct job to each picture:

a) singer

b) reporter

c) teacher

a) mailman

b) plumber

c) mechanic

a) waiter

b) policeman

c) cook

You can find more different jobs in the following web:

How many differents jobs do you know? What would you like to be in the future?
Choose one and post why!

Friday, 21 May 2010

Useful Flashcards about Drugs

Here you have more material for knowing more about drugs and their effects, download them and wait a little while, tomorrow we will use them in class.

Searching for more info!

Drugs are a severe problem nowadays, to be updated and aware of the dangers they can produce is a good way to be prevented. as many of the texts we will use in class are taken from that page, if you need further information just click on the link below!

Time for exercises!

Diagnosis: Danger!
Patient X appeared in the emergency room at 10 p.m. complaining of chest pains, anxiety, and twitching muscles. Upon examination, the patient had a ________ pulse rate, meaning that his heart was beating abnormally _______. The patient’s heart rhythm was not steady; it was _________. The patient’s blood pressure was also ______ normal. He complained that it was _______ to breathe deeply. We are concerned that the patient’s blood vessels are constricted or ____________. These conditions could lead to a heart attack.
The nurses found the patient to be abnormally afraid or ____________. He seemed restless and complained about little things; he was _____________. The patient kept saying he heard strange sounds but the staff heard nothing; we concluded that they were ______________.
Finally, the patient admitted that he had abused methamphetamine, a _________ drug. He says he was craving more. We admitted him overnight for observation. He will start treatment for ______ addiction tomorrow.
When talking about drugs we have to make distinctions in this case we will talk about "Legal Drugs". have a look!