Friday, 21 May 2010

Time for exercises!

Diagnosis: Danger!
Patient X appeared in the emergency room at 10 p.m. complaining of chest pains, anxiety, and twitching muscles. Upon examination, the patient had a ________ pulse rate, meaning that his heart was beating abnormally _______. The patient’s heart rhythm was not steady; it was _________. The patient’s blood pressure was also ______ normal. He complained that it was _______ to breathe deeply. We are concerned that the patient’s blood vessels are constricted or ____________. These conditions could lead to a heart attack.
The nurses found the patient to be abnormally afraid or ____________. He seemed restless and complained about little things; he was _____________. The patient kept saying he heard strange sounds but the staff heard nothing; we concluded that they were ______________.
Finally, the patient admitted that he had abused methamphetamine, a _________ drug. He says he was craving more. We admitted him overnight for observation. He will start treatment for ______ addiction tomorrow.